Saturday, 21 December 2013

Introduction to Citation

Chapter-4 is about 4th step of Big-6 which is called "Use of information". After location and access the next step is to learn how we can use our information in research and reports. 
what is refernce list?  
                               A reference list is a list of books,articles and other sources that we use in our research and paper.It should be appear at the end of the paper. The style that we use for referencing is called APA-style.

            APA is an academic format of writing which was introduced by American psychological Association to provide guidelines for publication in social science journals. Mostly it is used for term papers, research reports, empirical studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles, methodologies and case studies.

            Now we are going to jump from start of paper to the end of the paper.  It is a term that refers to the list of references that are provided to show “what are the sources that you used to do that research or the paper work”. It contains the following four things:
·         Author(s)’s Name
·         Publication Date
·         Title of the work
·         Publication Data
Besides that we also learnt the rules to document the author’s name, rules for the title of the work; for example books with one author, books with two or three authors and books with more than six authors.

Introduction to Citation:
There are several steps that we learnt during this lecture.  Here are some of the formats writing the materials in APA style.

Corporate  Authors:
Corporate author. (Year). Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher.
If there are Government bodies, start with the country or the state.

More than First Edition:
Author. (Year). Title of book. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher.

Edited Books:
Editor. (Ed./Eds.). (Year). Title. Place of  publication: Publisher.

Chapter from Books:
Author’s name. (Year). Title of the chapter. In Name of the editor. (Ed. /Eds.), Title of the book. (pages of the chapter). Place of publication: Publisher.

Journal Article:        
Author’s name. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume (issue/no.), page.

Newspaper Article:
Author’s name. (Year, month day). Title of the article. Title of the newspaper, page.

Online Journals:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number. Retrieved month date, year.

·         Model for an authored document that is a whole site:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article/document. Retrieved month date, year, from http://Web address

·         Model for an authored page/article from a site:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article/document. Title of Site. Retrieved month date, year, from.

We also learnt about how to cite electronic sources. This is very important to know about the citation that we have learnt in this chapter with detail.

Article from Online with no DOI assigned 
Autho. (Year). Title of the article. Retrieved from http://web address

Author, A. ( Year, Month day). Title of the article. Title of the magazine, volume, page number(s).

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